Invest Townsville North Queensland Prospectus
The Invest Townsville North Queensland Prospectus highlights the region's dynamic economic landscape, strategic location, and transformative $30 billion+ project pipeline.
To discover more about Townsville North Queensland and learn how you can invest into our region, download the prospectus below.
North Queensland Hydrogen Consortium
The North Queensland Hydrogen Consortium brings together industry leaders to harness the region’s abundance of solar, wind, hydro, and biomass resources to generate green hydrogen for a cleaner energy future for all.
To discover more about the North Queensland Hydrogen Consortium and learn how you can invest into our region, download the prospectus below.
Townsville North Queensland Region Critical Minerals Investment Prospectus
The North Queensland Critical Minerals Investment Prospectus provides an insight into the unique investment opportunity offered by the region. The prospectus includes key information about upcoming critical minerals projects, the regions enabling infrastructure and the role Powerlink’s/CopperString 2032 project will have in connecting the minerals province to vast quantities of renewable energy.
To discover more about North Queensland Critical Minerals and learn how you can invest into our region, download the prospectus below.
Tourism Investment Snapshot
Townsville is the largest city in Northern Australia, with excellent infrastructure and services driving a strong business travel market.
Learn why Townsville North Queensland has one of the most diverse regional economies in the nation, download the Tourism Investment Snapshot below.